Love People, Thrive

The Power of Prayer

When we reach our highest highs, sink to our lowest lows, or find ourselves trudging through the mediocracy of day to day, hitting our knees ensures us that our life won’t be the same tomorrow.

Prayer is something a lot of people are uncomfortable with but shouldn’t be.

You don’t have to say the “right” words or a specific sequence or even know scripture. God already knows your heart! There is nothing you can tell him or a way you phrase it that is shocking. And he won’t love you any less than he does right now – which is more than you can even imagine.

When you’re angry, be angry. When you’re thankful, be thankful.

The more you pray, the easier it is. You will find yourself intentionally leaning into your faith journey with positive results.

Pray like someone is listening. Because he is. Because you will be answered.

What would looking up do for you?

I’m not saying you’ll be answered right away or even get what you want. A lot of the time the opposite is true. But when you pray specific prayers and intentionally look for answers, you’ll eventually “get” what God is saying back to you.

I have asked for things I thought I wanted or desperately needed and received back “no” or “wait”.

A few years ago I was consumed with my career to the point that I hardly interacted with my two small boys. I would find myself after coming home from work immediately headed to my laptop focused on the next days tasks or the email I wasn’t able to get to. I was constantly asking for the next step in my career thinking that it was what I was meant to do, what would make me happy. I was exhausting myself completely and without the consideration of the toll it was taking on myself, family and relationships.

I found myself in a miserable place after several promotions. I dreaded going into the office each day. I lost the passion that I once was so proud of and in it’s place was regret and indifference. I found myself panicking at the thought of what I was going to do if I had to leave my job. I was resisting the inevitable, trying to talk myself into how thankful I should be for my success. How would my family survive financially? How could I lose this identity of myself I had worked so hard to achieve?

I prayed for God to bless my family with another child. After several years of my husband and I questioning whether we wanted to bring another life into our family, we agreed, admitting that we didn’t want to regret not doing so later on in life. We tried, were successful and then came the unexpected. We lost the pregnancy.

I became incredibly angry with God. Once we had decided to go for it, I became transfixed on the goal of a baby in mind. When we found out I was pregnant, I had already attached myself to that being, imagining all of the possibilities for the life we had created. Now I was ashamed and indignant in my loss. How could God allow this to happen and what did I do to deserve it? Was it all the stress I was under professionally? Was it my fault?

I did not realize at the time that I wasn’t meant for that life anymore or the gift of a child just yet.

I was being offered a new path unfolding before me and the blessings God wanted for me, in his time. Looking back at those devastating times, I am nothing but grateful that when I didn’t let go of my arrogant plans, I was forced to. It may seem harsh to say and maybe to an outsider it could seem insensitive to my plight, but in my case it is absolutely true.

Little do we know, around the bend may be another opportunity he wants for you or a different perspective or a different path altogether.

We are sometimes stubborn in our plans and resistant to change forced upon us, forgetting that he has a perfect plan with our good in mind.

There is a popular saying in the Christian community that “God is good all the time, all the time God is good”. This truth is reflected in many areas of scripture. Below is one verse I love that reflects this. That no matter what is happening in your life, God is good and he is for you.

“Give thanks to the Lord for he is good; his love endures forever.”

Psalm 107:1

The more we ask for guidance or pray for our desires, the closer we get in our relationship with Jesus and the answers he has for us.

There are three things I try to remember in my prayers and ultimately my faith journey:

  • Pray Big
  • Search & Listen
  • Acceptance

This song by Hillsong United always reminds me how when I put my trust in God, when I lead into him, he will never fail me.

Praying Big Prayers

I recommend praying big all the time. In your health, relationships, career and even in the specific desires of your heart (for example… our 10 Year Anniversary is coming up, would love to be blessed financially to celebrate with a trip together!).

It’s kind of like going big in Vegas or allotting a lot of your 401K in aggressive stock play, except… you have absolutely nothing to lose. And news flash… it’s not like God doesn’t already know what you desire!

Acknowledge what you want, don’t be afraid to admit it. Put it out in the universe and pray for it – in Jesus’ name.

Also don’t be afraid to share these desires with others! Praying with your spouse or friends or a mentor in your faith journey brings you more intimacy in your relationships while keeping you accountable in your life to what matters most.

Worship together…

Asking and Listening

I have heard many people say they prayed for patience and then (whaddya know) found themselves in perpetual situations of having to practice the virtue. I guess that’s what it means to “be careful what you wish (aka pray) for”.

My husband asks for patience all the time and then wonders why the kids drive him bananas constantly!

God is not done with you and we all have our next opportunity to grow around the corner. Sometimes we miss the most obvious answer to our prayer that is right in front of us. It might not be the answer you were looking for, but it is perfectly meant for your good.

Accepting Silence & Waiting

I find myself asking for direction in the words of “what’s next for me?” a lot with God.

All people at one time or another pray for something (big or small) and then find themselves wondering where God is and if he is listening. Rest assured he is. Just because you don’t get the answer right away doesn’t mean you are not important or in need of help.

Sometimes silence is an answer. Other times there are growth opportunities we need to get through to really fulfill God’s plan for us. Or there is a better plan we could not possibly comprehend looking through our own perspective we will be grateful for later.

Be Honest : Praying is not hard to do, but the submission of your requests to a higher power or following guidance by faith alone certainly can be. You always have an answer to your prayers (yes, right now). Acceptance of waiting or getting an answer you did not want is something we all need to practice. Sometimes we need to pray for the strength and faith to lean on God rather than ourselves.

Be Kind : You may get frustrated with your understanding of God’s plan, how you pray or how you react to the result of your prayers. That’s OK. We are imperfect people. The great news is that to Jesus, you are enough and perfect in his eyes. Rejoice in that truth and for the plans he has for you – they are better than you can imagine.

I’ll be praying for you.

About Honest But Kind

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