
How to Thrive : 3 First Steps

The ability to thrive is sought after by most people – it’s the way you were created! The universe is rooting for you to thrive as your best self!

Having your life filled with peace, meaning and purpose while making a significant impact to the people around you does not happen by chance.

We were all created to provide an individual and unique contribution to the world – to the people around us. Providing that contribution not only enhances the value of you, it enriches the lives of the people you touch as well!


How do we start thriving? What should we plan for? How do we be intentional about living? What pitfalls should we look out for?

Below are the three things to do to start thriving:
  1. Embrace your history
  2. Find your philosophy
  3. Bask in gratitude
To start, we have all had challenges in our life that define us. Events, people or conditions that we did not choose, were unexpected or unwanted. We have two choices: fight and struggle with those adversities, allowing them to constantly move us into a negative space with negative consequences OR accept them. We have the choice to view setbacks and negative events as potential to grow and shape us into a better version of ourselves. A person with greater wisdom, understanding, and compassion for others who may be dealing with those same struggles. To live is to face adversity, challenges, pain and suffering – don’t hide from these gifts, learn and grow from them! So your first step to thriving – before you can go in a positive direction – embrace your history. It happened. You are here regardless of choices you made or didn’t make. Choosing to accept yourself while embracing your failures, setbacks and events will make you irresistibly magnetic to others.
Loving yourself opens the door for abundant love to permeate your relationships.
Next we need to start planning. Thriving is achieved only by those willing to plan and be intentional about living their best life. The second step is finding your philosophy. What makes your heart beat faster? What could you spend hours doing without realizing the time is slipping by? How would you want others to describe you and what you do? Philosophy simply refers to a love of wisdom. Your philosophy is your truth. You don’t want to get to the end of your life to find out the whole time you’ve been living a lie. Find out now who your genuine self is. What and who will you live for? What breaks your heart? How are you uniquely gifted to change in the world? Write down your ideal life – the attributes you want associated with you, your dream career, family, contribution to the world, etc. This is not a one minute exercise but a well thought out and documented plan. One that has room for interpretation and future editing – remember our lives rarely unfold as we plan or expect them to. If you forgot, revert to step one.
Write down your legacy and work backwards.
Finally, we need a continuous filter or perspective that allows us to move and grow in a positive direction regardless of what happens or what is on the horizon. This filter is the lens through which we see the benefit we are bringing to the world while at the same time clarifying the utterly AMAZING things happening all around us all the time. To make ensure you continue to thrive, regardless of what happens, you need to intentionally and constantly bask in gratitude. Seeing through gratitude is a simple choice but we typically need constant reminders to view the world through this rewarding lens. It is easy to fall into familiar vices and traps when things don’t go our way, such as playing the victim, lashing out, and retreating into isolation. I like to start each day listing three things that I am grateful for and end each day praying in thankfulness. I also like to spend some time each day congratulating and rewarding myself (with a book, a walk, glass of wine, bubble bath, all of the above!) for the things I accomplished that day that helped others or moved me in a positive direction. Journaling these specific accomplishments can assist with this as well to track your progress. To keep yourself in a state of gratitude during the day, make sure you take the time to find gratitude in challenging circumstances.  For example, while having a conversation filled with tension, remember what that person brings to your life and how lucky you are to have them! Also celebrate the small accomplishments! (I got through a 20 minute conversation with an old friend and was kind to her regardless of her attitude! Time for a latte!) Most of our life can be defined by how we handle situations and choose to see ourselves and other people. How much more will you thrive when you choose to believe the best about others, give the benefit of the doubt, and let yourself off the hook!
Just remember, thriving is attainable. You could be the next person that masters this! You could even help others to live their best life just by your amazing example! Just start with these three steps:
  1. Embrace your setbacks
  2. Find your philosophy
  3. Bask in gratitude
I will be rooting for you! Go thrive! Be Honest Thriving is not something that just happens, it is an intentional and present minded reality where you are achieving peace while meeting your full potential. This won’t happen overnight or without its own continual challenges. Be Kind:  To yourself! Let go of all of the standards and check marks we typically bring with us to determine our “success” with something. Allow yourself to say no, lose the guilt, and enjoy the process – it’s part of thriving! About Honest But Kind Subscribe to get all of our best content!

8 thoughts on “How to Thrive : 3 First Steps”

  1. There is negativity all around us, more than ever, and it makes it a challenge to keep that filtered lens set right. Social media and the news is nothing but negativity, complaining, and anger. I think the world needs to read your post and reset their lenses! We have so much to be thankful for. Life is good. Why waste energy trying to view it from a negative lens?

    Love the post, Courtney!

    1. Your comment makes me smile! There can’t be too much love, forgiveness and kindness in the world – thank you for sharing John! I hope all is well with the family!

  2. I live my life pretty positive and try to grow up my 13 year old the same. So many things in the world will try to take that simple joy from you. I have learned to make myself happy first then I am equipped to make others happy. I Love your blog I love your family and I love you. great job I wish I would be brave enough to write but my spelling sucks lol. Very proud of you love this. I am a fan

    1. Kim – thank you truly for the time you took to read and comment! I admire you so much for how you care for your relationship with your son – even by moving your work schedule to make sure you guys have time together to have a strong connection. You are amazing and an inspiration to other moms! It’s always a joy to see you! Hope to do that soon!

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