Plant-Based Living

Food can be simple. Delicious. Whole. Nutritious.

Vegan. Vegetarian. Pescatarian. Plant-Based…

I don’t get too wrapped up in the labels. That’s because I recognize how much our eating habits have changed. I am much more focused on celebrating the baby steps that lead to big progress.

Gut Health & Plant Based Supplements

About a year ago, I started being curious about switching to a plant-based diet. At that point, it had been over a year since I started a gut health regimen taking my “pink drink” (a special blend of prebiotic fibers), magnesium (cleanse), and probiotics to weed, seed and feed my Microbiome.

Over the short period of just focusing on my gut health, I already felt so much better.

My skin looked clear and fresh. My sleep habits became more regular. My moods (90% of serotonin is created in your gut) were stabilizing. All of these positive side effects were incredibly important for my Bipolar diagnosis.

When I researched more about it, I realized that my body was starting to thrive because it craved all-natural, plant-based substances. We have been trained, through exposure to only a Western diet, (and for me, a southern one as well) to allocate huge portions of our meals to animal products and by-products.

We started eating them as little kids and yes, bacon tastes good, but these choices have real consequences for our health, the environment and the animals themselves I wasn’t exposed to before.

So I did some more research.

The Whole Family Joins In!

Patrick and I watch a few documentaries – check out WTH Film, Seacpiracy, and Game Changers – that opened our eyes to our family’s consumption of food and why we should care about it.

Me and my little men growing up eating plants.

It’s been about 6 months since our family has made a huge change in our lifestyle.

Some things we found out were not true or hurdles that were not as big a deal as we initially thought: “But how do you get your protein?” “Isn’t it more expensive?” “I have no time to prep for this kind of lifestyle.” “My family won’t eat only this category of foods.” “I like bacon.”

The other stuff we are just trying as we go, keeping what works and throwing away what doesn’t.

It’s a journey! One that we are on together, not trying to be perfect, but perfectly making progress.

If you are curious and want to try some things out, I highly recommend checking out the recipes I have compiled here.

Cheers to Your Health & Happiness!

x, Courtney