Love People, Thrive

Fear is a Liar

Have you ever found yourself immersed in doubt, negative self talk or in complete debilitating dread about something out of your control? These negative thoughts take away the joy and peace that is gifted to us each day.

It’s time to put fear in accurate perspective.

I have spent a good bit of my time apprehending the future, imagining the worst happening to the people I love and the pending imagined hardships for myself and my success. If I really sit down and think about the dialogue inside my head and the amount of time I spend in this attitude I am embarrassed.

For many people fear can be a consuming state of reality. A constant companion. A demeaning voice on their shoulder telling them what they can’t do and why they shouldn’t enjoy what they have now.

Fear can perpetuate the need to live in the negative stories of your past or in the worst imaginings of your future, removing the peace and gratitude of the present.

One of my goals for 2019 was to eliminate fear in my life. I haven’t achieved that yet but I have been more aware of how fear plays a role in my life and my willingness to let it consume my reality.

We are over the halfway mark of the year and I still have a good ways to go in my fight with fear.

The good news is that I am taking chances and fighting against fear everyday. I am slowly understanding that the more you lean into the uncomfortable and unsure people and parts of life, the more rewarded you are through the experience!

A song I love from Zach Williams is called “Fear Is a Liar”. The lyrics review the many lies we (and oftentimes the devil – yes I just said the D word) speaks into our hearts and minds:

You’re not good enough, strong enough, beautiful, worthy, loved. You are in trouble, will always be alone. You are dirty and should be ashamed. You are the one person that God can’t or won’t change with his promise of grace.


The truth is harder to believe. That God will wipe away all of your sin and make you completely clean once you confess it. That every time you do, he forgets it happened. That you can stop bringing up the bad, awful parts of you because he loves you unconditionally. That he always forgives and never holds grudges.

I have to remember and remind myself that I don’t have to live in fear or despair.

Regardless of our consequences and situations, the truth is the same for everyone – our sins have already been paid for! The devil has already lost. There is absolutely nothing to fear when you know where you’re going and what is available to you in Heaven. Forever.

Regardless of your belief system and if you align with this sort of dialogue or not, if you think about it, either you choose to live a life looking over your shoulder, afraid to make choices unknowing of the outcome, and reluctant to enjoy the joys in front of you OR you choose to be bold and free with abandon hoping for and celebrating the best life has to offer.

Fear is simply a lie if you decide so.

Here are some quotes from some very wise and powerful people telling the truth about fear…

He who has overcome his fears will truly be free. Aristotle

The enemy is fear. We think it is hate; but it is fear. Ghandi

If you want to conquer fear, don’t sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy. Dale Carnegie

So what dreams are you afraid to start? Who are you not moving toward because of fear? How are you not living in gratitude because of what you might lose?

Here’s another powerful song I was recently introduced to by a friend by Francesca Battistelli.

Called “The Breakup Song” this is a testament to breaking up with fear, preventing it’s power to control her life.

Listen to the words and feel free to say them loud and proud – “Fear you don’t own me”.

So how do we change our mindsets and our lives with this knowledge?

I think we need to take immediate action against fear and live boldly and bravely starting right now!

You don’t have to know everything to make the next move, just move! Act and see what is next for you! Stop looking for a sign and go for it! Don’t let fear of the unknown stop you from the (probably bumpy) path you were meant to be on anyway.

Let’s get busy.

Let’s be examples for others and living testaments to free, immensely loved children of God.

Although I do have to be reminded sometimes, I know that living boldly and without fear is what God wants for me. It’s what I want for myself. It is the perfect testament to “living your best life”.

Be Honest: You will never have all the answers before you make your next move. You don’t know the last page of your book.

Be Kind: That should propel you to live on purpose, without fear, shouting your gratitude as each step is taken.

I’ll be cheering you on friends.

xoxo, Courtney

About Honest But Kind

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2 thoughts on “Fear is a Liar”

    1. So crazy how it’s so much easier to believe the lies than the truth!! Thank you for reading and glad it spoke to your experience!

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