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Love People, Thrive

United We Stand, Divided We Stay Put

I have noticed a recent trend emerging.

There are a number of people out there who are becoming increasingly defensive. At times they are downright angry. They are upset because they feel they are being attacked and blamed for what happened on Jan. 6th just for being white, Christian, Trump supporters or all three – and they don’t like it one bit.

I view this much like I view white privilege. I am a white person that lives in a country where racism and white supremacy are current norms and part of our history. These things existed before I was created. I don’t feel personally responsible for bringing this human condition to the world.

I do, however, recognize that it is my responsibility to address it. I do feel like I should work to change societal norms so that I live in a country where everyone has equal opportunity, the same rule of law, justice system and consequences for their actions. I feel that way not because I want to make my life harder, but because I think that makes someone else’s life easier. And because we can actually have both.

I understand that I will never know how it feels to be Ahmaud Arbery’s mother as I watch my boys jump on their bikes and take off down the road. I also understand that I will never know how it truly feels to see the Confederate flag, the symbol that stands for white supremacy and the social and political exclusion of African Americans, hoisted through the halls of our capitol building for the first time in American history – in the year 2021.

I know Jesus is who he said he is. I believe in the truth of my salvation and I am joyful! Because of the good news and the invitation he extends to everyone. My steadfast faith is not diminished because some ignorant people use the Bible, Christendom and its pulpit to justify their hateful, unconscionable behavior.

That being said, I also know, as John Pavlovitz so eloquently stated, that what happened at the capitol was “committed largely by people who claim our faith and invoke our Jesus and wave our bible and brandish our God.” That this event was “perpetrated by those who share our pews and fill our churches and believe we are doing the same work…” We need to speak truth that this is not Jesus’ teaching and it goes radically against his very example. We need to be honest when this kind of rhetoric shows up in a preacher’s sermon or in our small group.

I am (seriously – I know some people will challenge this) an Independent. I not only want, but I actually need a choice in future elections for my political comfort. A democracy means I get to have a choice of ideological parties worth exploring. I have real hopes that one day, maybe even soon, we could re-establish something that once looked like the party of Lincoln.

That we will be able to, once again, intellectually debate the pros and cons of conservative policy and economic theory through men and women that represent their constituents with character and dignity. I’m not naive – I think we have a long way to go in removing corruption, establishing trust and seeing respectful divided government with integral checks and balances. But that work must be done if we hope to have a chance of true representation of the people who love democracy and credibility once again on the world stage.

I am not going to dive into the one who may not be named’s behavior, accomplishments, portrayal or legacy but I hope many can agree at this point … that this president, along with many others, repeatedly lied and purposefully deceived millions of people for money and political power. They have backpedaled democracy and its institutions beyond what was imaginable in a four year period. If you don’t believe that, then more importantly, maybe you can agree that they have highlighted and groomed, cultivated and exploited the very worst parts of our nature and our innermost sin.

We allowed them to divide us because we allowed ourselves to be less than what we were called to be.

Now at this inflection point in America, where we pick up the pieces and start to look around at each other, sizing one another up, licking our wounds and searching for a way forward.

While the whole world watches…

If we in this moment are defensive and angry about the scrutiny upon ourselves…we have to look in the mirror and ask…

Are we complicit? Did we have a hand in this, large or small? Do we see ourselves reflected in those people on Jan. 6th? Do we condone that?

Sometimes the truth is hard. But it is the only way for us to be united again.