depressed woman having headache and stress
Love People, Thrive

The Battle We Can Control

If you watched the impeachment debate before the House vote yesterday, or if you watch competing news outlets on a regular basis, you may conclude that we are living in two different Americas on two different competing “sides”. You may see this most glaringly in the opposing, immovable views of your friends and family. You would not be wrong in your assessment.

The two party umbrellas and their fringe groups, in never-ending cyclical political power, alternating every four to eight years, are in a battle. A battle that is increasingly more divisive and fear based. A battle engaged in more finger pointing and violence than we have seen in decades, if not hundreds, of years. This battle is for power and influence in America.

I’m not saying that certain individuals and groups that use these tactics should not be dressed down with truth and accountability, or that some are not more dangerous to our society and the lives of Americans than others. If anything, the last four years have taught us that we have a tremendous amount of work to do.

We all have a huge responsibility, as individual citizens, in our family units, communities, and religious houses, through our elected officials, to carefully craft our words and root down deep the ideals our country was founded on – truth, equality, justice, and the protection of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

You might wonder if the approval of a slew of your philosophically leaning judges or your parties’ nominated leader in office is worth what we are seeing as the state of our country and our society in this moment. You might wonder if gaining or losing friendships and relationships are justified based on the ability or inability to agree with one another. I have a hard time, looking through my faith filter before my political filter, justifying those arguments.


If you are a follower of Jesus, you believe that he was a message of God’s love. I think he showed this by suffering on the cross for every one of our sins. And now because of ‘the Word’ – the documented, historical account of his words and teaching – and his love, we all have a chance to have an eternal life in heaven.

If you read the New Testament, you might notice that Jesus gave his followers at the time, and now us through his documented words, an understanding of the kingdom of God. He was able to teach moral and spiritual lessons by analogy or similarity. By the use of parables.

So what did Jesus say about our power and possessions on Earth and how that relates to our citizenship in Heaven? What does the New Testament say about giving v. receiving? What did Jesus say about the true struggle within our relationships, within each of us, and the remedy?

“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” 2 Corinthians 9:6-8

“If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” Matthew 19:21

You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.” Matthew 7:5

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10


We weren’t created to win arguments, to gain power and influence, to accumulate possessions, for ourselves.

If we want to have treasure in the Kingdom of Heaven we need to give it away on Earth. If we want to be happy and fulfilled on Earth, we should focus our efforts on giving instead of receiving. We must all be wary of the true deceiver – ourselves. We are the ones who allow lies to take root. We are the ones who allow our hearts to be hardened against the other. We must be wary that we are under constant attack and we should actively search for the remedy.

“What radical thinking!” you might say. Well, Jesus was a radical figure with radical truths.

What’s amazing is that his words still apply to this world two thousand years later and accurately portray the human condition that still exists today. We must not assume that these problems will go away in our lifetimes, or on the Earth, ever.

Even if you are not a Jesus follower, maybe it’s really important that you and your family are good people. That you are obedient to something greater than yourself. That you leave a legacy behind that your children and grandchildren can be proud of. That you can look at yourself in the mirror and sleep soundly at night.

If you are like me, you may be struggling with how to balance your political filter with your faith filter. Do we argue, de-friend, and hold grudges against those who don’t hold our worldview? Do we continue to advocate our truth, praying that some may be inclined to lean in to listen or even change their destructive ideals? Do we stay silent confirming our decision to be seen as loving and forgiving above anything else?

What an enormous burden, a huge internal heart problem, for many of us in this moment.

I truly believe, and maybe this can help you, that we were each created for a different purpose here on Earth. That we have seasons of life that will change and mold us, to move us along the path only we, individually, can go through. The one that God planned and will have done, before we were even brought to life.

Some of us were sent to be peace-makers and some were sent to be truth tellers. We need both right now.

Let us not forget, whatever camp we may fall into, that the true battle is the one inside ourselves.

1 thought on “The Battle We Can Control”

  1. I so agree with this Courtney!! I love ALL my friends and try to listen to ALL sides. Just because someone disagrees with me (in ANY way) doesn’t mean I love them any less! Too many people don’t stop to think before they speak. I have been guilty of this many times! I do feel that if I do not speak up though, people think I agree with them. So I do stand up for what I believe. But we all see things through a different life lens, I guess. Keep on writing!

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