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Love People, Thrive

Invitation to the New South

On Jan 6th there was a dichotomy of events that cannot be ignored.

In the early morning, there was excitement and hope abuzz, along with some incredulity, about the runoffs in Georgia. There was for many, because it actually happened and the majority ruled, solidarity and pride that for the first time in 20 years, an opposing party won not one but two Senate seats in a once thought ruby red state.

Reverend Warnock is the first black man, whose 82 year old mother picked someone else’s cotton in the former Jim Crow South, to hold such an office from this state. Jon Ossoff is the first Jewish Senator to do so and, at 33 years old, the Senate’s youngest member. The question on many peoples minds was… How did this happen in Georgia?

Later in the afternoon, as GOP Senators were about to tear into one another, after aiding and abetting, through silence and outright attacks on our democracy, a poisonous president for four years, that same president’s violent mob stormed through the capitol building.

After 4 people died, dozens of police were harmed and hospitalized, the most sacred of our democratic institutions and federal buildings desecrated like trash for hours without too much resistance, after knowing about and hearing about this “wild protest” and “trial by combat” by the president and his minions for hours, weeks, years… people want to know. How did this happen in America?


Over two thousand years ago, an unknown carpenter, a Jew, walked and ministered upon the Earth. He avoided luxury, invited and dined with sinners, favored the poor and frequently clashed with those religious leaders of the time, calling out their hypocrisy for exactly how God saw it. For he was his son.

His message and example was clear. To love others above ourselves was his ultimate command. His invitation for salvation was for everyone.

The Light of the World.

He spoke of and modeled inclusion, charity, forgiveness and love for God, our neighbor, even for our enemies. He was not afraid of and called out religious hypocrisy that ruled the day, telling truth to all who would listen – that he was the son of God. This ended his life. And on the cross moments before he died, he publicly forgave those who did it.


When I witnessed the unabashed domestic terrorists and white supremacists break into and hail a Confederate flag through the most sacred of our buildings, blood being shed, while outside mobs proudly flew Jesus 2020 flags and crosses into the crowd, I cried, enraged, and the joy of my Savior was sucked immediately from me.

I will not allow it to continue. Instead, I’d like to extend an invitation.

I’d like to invite you to the New South.

Where Jesus followers are known for calling out and condemning hate and violence. Where we mourn the loss of life with our communities and actively lift up others who don’t look like or believe like us. Where we are not afraid to confront the desecration of American values and the truth even if it pulls away our prestige and power. Where we don’t avert our eyes and hold our tongues but forgiveness is forever on our lips.

The New South.

Where it is never too late to apologize and admit our own error, ignorance and disdain for others. Even if we don’t know where it comes from. Even if we do.

The New South.

Where we can ask for forgiveness of our sin and forgive those that hurt us daily, publicly, and without fear of judgement. Where we lean into the necessity of change regardless of what that means for our comfort, if it is the right thing to do. Where it is never too late to instill values in our children missing from our own family histories, our own religious houses, our own friends and popular, prestigious community members.

Where we hold certain truths to be self-evident. Where equality, human life and human rights are endowed by God – so help us God.

I will be a Georgia peach who lets it be known when ignorance, hate, lies and disinformation come out of your mouth. I will also be a Georgia peach that prays for you and forgives you.

So please join me in the New South. There’s no RSVP required. The water’s warm over here.

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