
5 Powerful Reflections for the New Year

It’s that time of the year when I typically sit down and get ready to start again. I like to buy a brand new journal and planner. The fresh white sheets and blank pages excite me because there is so much possibility for what I can do in the upcoming year.

In years past, I would laser focus on the next thing – the big goals I want to chase, the accomplishments and growth I want to achieve, forgetting that I just did that exercise not long ago. Usually, I have the same goals every year because I don’t actually finish them. I fail a lot. And I never look back to reflect on what happened and why that was.

This year I am finishing up in a much healthier way.

One that celebrates my wins, reflects on my failures, expresses gratitude, and helps a lot with setting up my future success.

I just finished a podcast episode from Jay Shetty where he talked about 9 different questions to ask yourself before the New Year. I wrote them out in my journal, really taking the time to reflect on the answers. I wanted to share my thoughts, straight from those pages.

Below are the five that I found most impactful during my reflection.

  1. What made you feel most happy this year?

The happiest moments for me this year were when I was interacting one-on-one with loved ones. When I was truly present and making memories with them. I remember the taste of a delicious meal I shared (alone) with my husband, Patrick. I remember my birthday dinner with my big kids and how they told me they loved seeing me dressed up. I remember crossing the finish line of my half marathon with all of my boys cheering me on. It’s those moments with them that made me the happiest.

2. What do you wish you would have done more of this year?

I wish I had done more writing this year. It’s funny, just in the last few weeks I became determined to write my first book. I have sticky notes all over the house asking “Did you write today?” and “You are a writer.” I wish I hadn’t waited this long to really go after this dream. I wish I had written more this year.

3. What’s something you want to do less of next year?

I want to spend less time next year in a negative mindset. I have just in the past few months really started to understand how much power we have over our own thoughts and feelings. We can accept them or reject them. A lot of these negative thought patterns are on auto-pilot. They are lies that stop us from creating beautiful things and fulfilling our true purpose. I choose next year to give in less to negative self-talk.

4. What is something you want to learn next year?

I want to learn about podcasting next year. There are so many amazing podcasts out there I find inspiring that fit a unique desire to learn. I find it so interesting that there are different mediums than the written word out there to share messages. I love sharing my heart with you all. I hope to do that in different ways in the future.

5. What is the biggest lesson you learned this year?

The biggest lesson I learned this year, that I hope to share and teach through my coaching business, is that you can manifest, create or bring into your life, anything that you wish. I spent the time to really sit down and discover my “why” this year and I realized that I love to help other people thrive. I learned that I am good at it too! An idea in September led to a full-on business venture in just weeks. The concept of manifestation has been life-changing.

This has been an absolutely incredible year for me. I lost 35 pounds, ran a half marathon, went completely sober, leaned into plant-based living, started a business, and dove into my childhood dream of writing my first novel! And I got to share it all with you.

Thank you.

Thank you for your readership this year.

Thank you for being a part of this community that inspires and connects and motivates one another to thrive. I hope I have done that for you in some small way this year.

xo, Courtney
