happy woman with rolling pin cooking at home
Love People, Thrive

From Mundane to Manifestation: How to Spark Joy in Everyday Tasks

In a world that often feels demanding and soul-crushing, the concept of “spark joy” has gained immense popularity.

Coined by organizing consultant Marie Kondo, this phrase encapsulates the idea of surrounding ourselves with things that bring us happiness and letting go of what doesn’t.

But what if we could take this concept beyond material possessions? What if we could intentionally select our thoughts as well? What if we could find glee in the simplest of everyday tasks and, in doing so, unlock the potential to manifest our greatest desires?

In this blog post, we’ll delve into the power of “finding the fun,” transformational strategies for adopting a cheerful mindset, and how discovering prayer in our everyday grind leads to a leveled-up future.

The Power of Having Fun

Positive feelings have a profound impact on our mental and emotional well-being.

Scientific studies have shown that experiences of delight trigger the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine, which is associated with pleasure and reward. This surge of dopamine not only uplifts our mood but also fuels our motivation to pursue activities that are euphoric.

The pursuit of fun is an above-and-beyond step to ensure you are attracting the results you want. “Super Attractor” author Gabrielle Bernstein explains, stating, “Your emotions are a direct indicator of how much you’re resisting or allowing. The closer you are to the emotion of joy, the more easily you attract what you want.”

We have to remember that having fun is an intentional vote for happiness, even in the most mundane of days. Whenever you feel playfulness, move in instead of feeling guilty that you aren’t “taking things seriously.”

When we are children, this is second nature, but we lose this superpower as we age. Confoundingly, this actually works against us when we are trying to achieve new heights.

Allot time for fun. Take a nature break, savor a snack, have a mini-dance party of one, watch a funny clip, and create small delights in your everyday tasks to keep the positive vibes flowing.

The Everyday Grind: Discovering Joy in the Ordinary

We can’t escape the reality of routine and mundane tasks that populate our everyday affairs.

Viewing these tasks as mere obligations can lead to a sense of drudgery and negativity. Approaching these activities with a sense of regretted obligation not only drains our energy but also affects our overall outlook. Which can stop the flow of attraction and, thus, what we ultimately want to show up.

Yet, there’s a transformative power in shifting this perspective. Embracing the merriment mindset involves seeing to-dos not as burdens but as opportunities for growth and productivity. This frame of mind empowers us to reframe our approach and dive into action with solidarity.

The goal is to recognize that all of our activities are capable of producing contentment. This inner feeling is something we can cultivate by being mindful and intentional. For example, if you have a task such as making your bed each morning, it can be an opportunity to practice self-care and set the intention for your day.

Suddenly, that morning commute becomes a chance to listen to an inspiring podcast or an audiobook. Cooking dinner becomes an opportunity to experiment with new recipes and savor the creative process. By adopting a joyful mindset, we open the door to increased productivity, improved mood, and a more fulfilling existence.

Strategies That Work

If you are finding it hard to begin these attitude shifts or are being pulled back into old mindset habits, remember these practical strategies for infusing bliss into structured activities.

Practice Mindfulness

Pay attention to the present moment while performing tasks. Engage your senses, notice the details, and fully immerse yourself in the experience. Mindfulness helps you appreciate the process and find joy in the little things.

Set Intentions

Before starting a task, set a positive intention. Visualize how completing the task will contribute to your well-being or your goals. This mindset shift can infuse the activity with a sense of purpose and satisfaction.

Express Gratitude

While performing tasks, reflect on the positive aspects they bring to your day. For instance, when cooking, think about the nourishment the meal will provide. This gratitude worldview can enhance your enjoyment.

Personalize Your Environment

Create a pleasant atmosphere by adding elements that bring you happiness. Decorate your workspace, light scented candles, or use vibrant colors. A visually appealing and fragrantly pleasing environment can uplift your spirits.

Embrace Creativity

Add a creative touch to tasks that allow for it. Experiment with new recipes while cooking, add artistic elements to your lists, or find unique solutions to challenges you encounter.

Celebrate Small Wins

Acknowledge your achievements, no matter how minor they seem. Each completed task is a step forward, and recognizing your progress can boost your mood and motivation.

What Jesus Said About Joy

We are called to live a life of Joy!

Whether you attach to the spiritual element of manifestation or not, Jesus followers should be motivated to know that the Bible contains numerous verses that discuss joy and its significance in the journey of believers. Joy is portrayed as a fruit of the Spirit, a byproduct of a close relationship with God, and a source of strength during difficult times.

Here are some key passages that highlight Jesus’ perspective on joy:

In the Gospel of John, Jesus speaks about the connection between abiding in His love and experiencing the fullness of joy. He says,

“I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.”

John 15:11

In his prayer for his disciples, known as the High Priestly Prayer, Jesus expresses his desire for them to have his joy fulfilled within them. He prays,

“I am coming to you now, but I say these things while I am still in the world, so that they may have the full measure of my joy within them.”

John 17:13

These passages emphasize the importance of jubilation in our lives and remind us that only the Spirit that lives within us, poured out by grace, can produce the kind of deep joy that we have access to at all times, no matter our circumstances.

When we take the time to draw close to Him and enjoy His presence, we will find elation overflowing into every area of our life.

Putting It Together

Joy is an integral part of an overflowing and abundant life. It is important that we make a conscious effort to cultivate this emotion by engaging in activities that bring us pleasure, seeking out strategies that are effective, and spending time with God through prayer and gratitude.

If we know that having fun and being in a present state of thankfulness and prayer helps us to achieve our greatest desires, what is stopping us? What are we waiting for?

When we have the right practices in place, our joy will be deepened and our journey enriched.

May you be blessed with a joy-filled life!


Heavenly Father, we thank you for the gift of joy that you have given us. Help us to find the fun in life. Help us to remain focused on You always. May we experience true joy in all circumstances and never forget the source of it. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Many of these steps can be done through the simple act of prayer as you go through your day. Set aside a thoughtful moment to set an intention, live in the present, and express thankfulness. This habit will reap abundant blessings for all days to come.

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