Moms Unite

When you have 100 days left…

25 Weeks Pregnant

I looked at my Glow Nuture App yesterday and saw that I had 100 DAYS left of my pregnancy. I looked in the mirror. I looked down at my feet. 100 days?! How is this possible?!?

It might be because this is go-round #3 for me. Maybe it’s because the last time I was pregnant I was in my mid-twenties. Whatever it is, not only do I feel much bigger this time around, I also feel like I am struggling. I get winded while walking up stairs. I sleep terrible most of the time. I recently found migraines and allergies.

For those experienced and novice mammas out there, this pregnancy thing is a serious trip. The only comparison that makes me feel better is the fact that the pregnant momma elephant goes through 660 days of this beautiful hell.

When I thought about the daunting task ahead, I figured I had to get into a positive space about what is awaiting me –  the waiting.

So after doing some soul-searching and research here’s some advice to other mommas and myself during this last long stretch of baby cooking. Cheers to all the beautiful moms out there! You’re doing great!

  1. Plan your weeks
  2. Cook
  3. Spend one on one time
  4. Take a trip
  5. Guilt free relaxing

Plan your weeks


The lucky thing about my pregnancy is that while going into my third trimester, I have two major holidays front and center (let alone that it is getting colder outside and not hotter like my other 2 pregnancies!).

Right now I am in our favorite place of all time – Destin, FL. We always spend a week here during Thanksgiving and it’s the best, most relaxed way to be thankful. The sunsets are incredible and the food is the comfort place of home.

I do; however, have to get through the dreaded long, dark, and cold months of January and February until this sweet miracle is here. The last eight weeks are going to be ahem, fun.

So I have a calendar out and I am planning for the spaces to be filled up!

I am planning on doing mini to large projects around the house each week. I see you future organized kitchen! Hey there beautiful future nursery! I am writing it down and planning in advance so I don’t even have time to sit around and think about how big I’m getting – let alone how slow the days are going by.



My husband will tell you that this is not my forte. I have historically bowed out thankfully when he has offered to cook. But recently, while embracing my new role as leader of the household, I have become more bold in the kitchen and even started looking forward to trying new things!

Depending on what season you are during your pregnancy, the beautiful thing about this internet world we live in is that all kinds of recipes and chances are right at your fingertips!

Try one new recipe a week. Ask your kids and spouse what their favorite things are and try a new twist on the dish! I know one of the things I hope for most when my kids are older, is them clamoring for or thoughtfully remembering a favorite dish that brings them back home.

Bake. Fix fun snacks. Have fun in the kitchen. Make a mess – because you have time right now to clean it up.

Spend one on one time


Whether it’s just your spouse, your friends, mom or each one of your kids spend the time to connect authentically with the people in your life.

Much like your calendar of projects and to-do’s, you can intentionally pencil in time with the people who mean the most to you.

Make next Friday date night. Make the following Sunday time with your oldest kiddo.

Do something special with each of them. Make and document memories you will never forget.

Before you know it, for several months, your specific attention will be on one helpless and very needy newborn.

Remind your children and relationships about this when you are setting up your plans. It will make the time even more special.

Take a trip

Our happy place: Destin, FL

Depending on how far along you are, your specific situation or means, this may look very different from one person to the other. But you shouldn’t make excuses here about not getting away for a few days.

Yes, you probably have a lot of work to finish before the baby is due. Yes, you have to get the nursery done. Yes, you are about to spend a lot of money (for about the next 20 years by the way).

For your sanity and the peace of your soul you should spend the night away from your home for at least a night or two and definitely away from any small person younger than 20. Go to a cabin in the mountains. Go to the beach. Spend a night in a hotel and order room service.

It doesn’t have to be super expensive.

Do absolutely nothing and plan nothing. Fly by the seat of your pants. Eat well. Sleep In Every Day. Cheers!

Guilt Free Relaxing


This may seem like the opposite of planning and doing projects around the house.

Guess what? It is. Exactly the opposite of that.

Because honestly you should have balance in your life. So if you start cleaning out the closet and then halfway through stop and take a nap or a walk and don’t get back to it for a few days – hooray for you! You just mastered balance!

The best part of life I think is the simple, beautiful things we should enjoy the most.

I love a good book. I love a good nap. I love, love, love a bath with a glass of wine and Sade jamming softly in the background. 

Find what relaxes and calms you and makes you swell up with gratitude. Then simply do those things 5x’s more than usual. You deserve it. You are growing a human being. You are feeding and protecting a life and your body is pretty much running a marathon every day to do it.

So don’t let yourself or anyone else make you feel bad about putting your feet up and skipping some of the things that are usually on your side of the fence.

Ask for help. People are probably waiting in the wings right now. People who have been in your shoes and know how it feels to be this big, this tired, and this anxious about all the things happening or about to happen to your life. Let them help.

Be Honest: Right now you might be feeling the worst physically you ever have and you are probably anxious and miserable thinking about how many days you have left.

Be Kind: You may not be able to snap your fingers and be done, but you alone get to change your mindset. Plan to fill up your calendar, spend quality time with loved ones, cook and relax! You are amazing! Next up is a whole new set of challenges so enjoy this time while you can!

About Honest But Kind

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